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Natural Insect Repellents
Natural insect repellents
Toxins are not the only answer when it comes to making your skin unpleasant for bugs. There are some natural remedies that you can use to ward off noisy and nasty insects without a chance of chemical-induced insect repellents.

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Especially when you consider placing poison such as DEET on your child’s skin, it is useful to look for alternative methods to protect your skin against insect bites. Here are a few ways you can stop unpleasant insects from invading your home – and your body:
Ants – Place mint tea or crushed cloves near the starting point of the ants. Spray the ants with a small amount of soapy water. Draw a line with chalk at the starting point of the ants. The ants will not cross the border. If ants attack your trees, wrap the trunk with paper and place \ sticky dolls \ (bought at a garden center) on the paper.
Fleas – Spray cedar oil spray, sprayed on carpets, floors and in the bedding of your pet. d-limonene, produced by the citrus industry, can be safely sprayed to prevent fleas.
Diatomaceous earth or powdered pyrethrum (purchased from a grocery store) can be sprinkled on the clean bedding and carpets of your pet in your home. Herbs such as rosemary, citronella, wormwood, and pennyroyal are natural treatments for fleas.
Mosquitoes – Rubbing alcohol, applied to the skin, can repel mosquitoes. Plant marigolds at your entrance and around a terrace or patio. Clove oil is effective against mosquitoes but use it sparingly because it can irritate the skin. Citronella (rose geranium), eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender and cedar oil are some of the most common insect repellents.
Flying – Citronella, diluted in oil (such as almond oil) can be rubbed on your skin to keep almost all flying insects away. Herbs such as basil, mint and peasant worms fly off. The smell of pennyroyal oil is effective in warding off flies.
Mix a combination of white wine vinegar and water and add some or all of the herbs, citronella, eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree oils. Then add to a liquid detergent in a spray bottle and shake well.
Try some of these home remedies to dispel insects before buying the more expensive and extremely harmful products that contain toxic chemicals. The natural way is the best way to go for ourselves, our loved ones and our planet.