Tag Archives: acid reflux

Pillows and Positional Therapy as Immediate Remedy for Acid Reflux

Pillows and Positional Therapy as Immediate Remedy for Acid Reflux When we eat, the contents in the stomach normally proceed into the intestines with the aid of digestive muscle contractions. However, for those who have acid reflux disease, the digestive contents travel back into the esophagus. And since the digestive materials contain acids, a patient…

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Heartburn-the principal sign of acid reflux disease, causes and cares

The heartburn-the principal sign of acid reflux disease causes and cares Acid reflux disease is a product of the failure of the esophageal sphincter to function properly. Because of abnormal acid production, digestive processes are affected and cause burning sensations in the stomach, chest and even up to the esophagus. Too low acid production causes…

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Magnifying Acid Reflux

Magnifying Acid Reflux Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), the medical term for “Acid Reflux” is defined as the product of abnormal reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus thus, creating a mucosal damage, likewise known as the chronic symptom. This disease strikes adult primarily, while infants and children can also be affected. Normally spurred by…

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